Fall Color

Fall is my favorite season.  It’s time to pull out the corduroys and hoodies and really dig in–attacking the final chores of the season.  The possibility of frost could be any day so we work diligently.   We are thankfully aware of the sun that warms our fingers, knowing that if it disappears the work still must be completed.

Everyone is all atitter about the beauty of the fall colors.  The oranges, yellows and reds of our deciduous trees are on display for all to enjoy.   It is the perennial border at Woodland Farm that really flashes in fall with a rainbow of colors.  As the temperatures drop, the colors seem richer and more vibrant.  The amazing red of the dinner plate Dahlia ‘Babylon Red’ against the striking backdrop of Anemone ‘Party Dress’ (Pictured right) is a sight not to be missed.  Although we have to lift the dahlia tubers each season, we leave them in the ground for as long as possible–clinging to the colors they display for as long as we can.   Other Dahlia varieties that keep us in color include:  Babylon Purple, Bishop of Llandoff, Crazy Love, D. soldera, Karma Corona, Kelvin Floodlight, Nuit d’Ete and a few more.  These guys aren’t the only show stoppers.

A few of our annuals  step up and shine one last time each season.  Self seeders like Bidens ferulaefolia ‘Golden Goddess’ and Nigella damascena ‘Love-in-a-mist” sprinkle  yellow, blue, white and purple throughout the border.